50 Years USP

The University of the South Pacific opened its doors in 1968.

This year we celebrate USP’s 50th anniversary and its unique contributions to the development of the Pacific Island region and beyond.


Categories USP

Coming Up: PIURN Conference in Samoa

This is the 2nd Pacific Islands University Research Network Conference in Apia, Samoa.

Conference Theme: “Addressing the Challenges of Sustainability in the Pacific Islands”

Conference Aims:

  1. To bring together scholars from the Pacific region to collectively address the changes in the Pacific region.
  2. To enable graduate students to develop knowledge and connections with other scholars and to share research data and methodologies.
  3. To raise awareness about the work and existence of PIURN and enhance its profile and visibility as a potential regional research “think tank” organisation for technical and professional advice on (specific) research areas concerning the Pacific



Studieren im Paradies?

Studieren im Paradies
Uni-Vergleich: Der 23-jährige Kim Kessler studiert dort, wo andere Ferien machen: Auf den Fidschi-Inseln. Doch was nach Spass klingt, kann auch anstrengend sein, denn er ist nicht wegen der schönen Strände auf der Insel. Mehr